Performance Archive


Jan. 5th - Duo W/C. Spencer Yeh + Camilla Padgitt-Coles/Sean Meehan/ Barry Weisblat + Henry and Tom Thayer - Doors 7:30/Music 8pm - 1923 8th Ave - 3rd floor - Brooklyn, NY

Jan. 15th - Duo W/Marcia Bassett + Time Trout + The Dream Lovers + Sydney Spann - Abasement at Artist’s Space - 11 Cortlandt Alley, NYC - FREE

California Duo Tour w/Marcia Bassett / Projections by Barry Weisblat
March 11th - San Diego - Crescent House + Charles Curtis - 631 N Crescent Ct
March 13th - KFJC Live
March 14th - Oakland - Thee Stork Club + Tara Jane O’Neil & Jmy James Kidd + Bill Orcutt
March 15th - Santa Cruz - Indexical + Tara Jane O’Neil & Jmy James Kidd
March 16th - Oakland - Shapeshifters Cinema + Thomas Dimuzio
March 17th - Sacramento/Orangevale - Faulkner Living Room +  San Kazakgascar
March 19th -  Idyllwild Arts Academy
March 21st - San Pedro - The Sardine + Bromp Treb + CGRSM
March 22nd - Los Angeles - 2220 Arts and Archive + Tara Jane O’Neil & Jmy James Kidd + Marta Tiesenga
March 23rd - Joshua Tree - Fire House + Tara Jane O’Neil & Jmy James Kidd +
The Renderers - Early Show

April 14 - Duo w/Patrick Holmes + Snake Union + Ulna + FRKSE at Purgatory - BK, NYC

April 18 - Duo w/Marcia Bassett opening for Wolf Eyes/Anthony Braxton at Le Poisson Rouge - NYC

May 24 - Duo w/Marcia Bassett at New Discretions w/Letitia Quesenberry’s Brite Vapors exhibit - 515 W 20th St., 3rd Flr., NYC - FREE - 7PM

June 17 - Lucas Abela’s “Frankenstein 3 -  Improvisation Butchered” w/Hisham Akira Bharoocha, Chuck Roth,
Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe, Brandon Lopez, Marcia Bassett, Bob Bellerue, David Watson, Sandy Ewen, MV Carbon - Long Island City, NYC

June 29 - Scott Kiernan Syntax Workers closing reception at Various Artists + Ka Baird/Shelley Hirsch + Lary 7 - 7pm - 19 Essex St. NYC

July 26th - Duo w/Bill Nace at PHILA MOCA - Philadelphia, PA

Aug 3 - solo violin + Alan Licht + Eric Arn at P.I.T. - 411 S. 5th St., BK, NY  EARLY SHOW - Doors at 5/music at 6 sharp

Sept 10 - Augenmusik + Moritz Finkbeiner + Others/Special Guests at Neue Schactel - Stuttgart, Germany

Sept 14 - Augenmusik ++++ extended family crew - Neustr 20 - Moers, Germany

Sept 22 - Weak Signal (record release show) + Diamond/Lubelski/Mayson + Electroputas + DJ Patrick Holmes - 7pm - Union Pool - Brooklyn, NY

Nov 6 - Duo w/Barry Weisblat + Same Weinberg Trio + Ryan Sawyer Shaker Ensemble - Sisters- Brooklyn, NY


Jan. 5th - Solo + Shots + Pool + Dan Sour - Task Gallery, 81 White St., NYC

Feb. 26th - Solo Set + Phil Niblock - Fridman Gallery/New Ear Festival - 169 Bowery, NYC

March 2nd - Solo Set - PG Six Reissue Release + Che Chen + Anaïs Maviel at Shift - 411 Kent Ave. BK, NYC
March 18th - Trio W/Che Chen & Chris Corsano + Ka Baird/Chris Williams at Sundown stairs -  Queens, NY
March 25th - Duo W/Spencer Herbst + Richard Hoffman at Sunview Luncheonette - 221 Nassau Ave., BK, NY

April 1st - Duo W/Marcia Bassett + Masaaki + Frank Hurricane at Secret Project Robot - 401 Wythe Ave, BK, NY

May 17th - Trio W/Chris Corsano and Che Chen - Sisters - Brooklyn, NY
May 19th - Solo Violin + Helen at Union Pool - Brooklyn, NY
May 26th - Duo W/Marcia Basett + Wednesday/Kryssi + Thee Holy Oakes - Hutgis at The Nook - Westfield, MA
May 27th - Duo W/Marcia Basett + Wednesday/Kryssi - Clark Art Museum/ presented by Bell Tower Records - Williamstown, MA Late afternoon.
May 28th - Duo W/Marcia Basett + Annie Dodson - Tubby’s - Kingston, NY

July 28th - Duo W/Bill Nace + Tramuntanas + Wheatie Mattiasich - Pageant Soloveev - Philadelphia, PA

August 5th - Solo + Unica Forma + Grout + BK + Leila Bordreuil + Special Guest - Backyard in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn (contact for address).
August 10th - Solo + Wednesday Knudsen + Matt Robidoux - The Living Gallery - 1094 Broadway, Brooklyn

August 10th - Solo + Wednesday Knudsen + Matt Robidoux - The Living Gallery - 1094 Broadway, Brooklyn

Sept 15th - New York Anarchist Book Fair Music Festival - Solo + Eugene Chadbourne/Jim McHugh + Daniel Carter/Andrew Barker/Kyle Motl + Ras Moshe + CA/DE/NA at P.I.T. - 411 S. 5th St., Brooklyn, NY  - EARLY SHOW - playing at 6pm

October 7th/MOVED TO SUNDAY, OCT. 8TH/2:30PM/ - Solo Violin + Elliott Sharp at 3:30 - La Plaza Community Garden -  SW corner of 9th St. and Ave C, NYC

October 9 - Sandy Lane DJ set at Abasement at Artist’s Space. 11 Cortlandt Alley, NYC - 7pm

October 11th - Solo Violin + Carlos Giffoni + Human Beast + Water Lice at TV EYE - Ridgewood, NY

October 29th - Ooze Fest - In front of Mystery Train Records - Amherst, MA

October 30th - Washington Baths - Portland, ME

December 3 - 3 PM - Duo W/Marcia Bassett - Sunview Luncheonette - 221 Nassau Ave., Greenpoint, BK


February 6 ‐ Solo Violin Set - 65336 Winters Rd. - 3pm - Fire House Outpost - Joshua Tree, Ca.

April 1st - Solo Violin Set + Ken Brenninger - Open Mouth Series at Brickbat Books - Philadelphia, PA
April 21st -
Trio W/Barry Weisblat and Sam Weinberg - Outpost Artist Resources - The Fire Over Heaven Series - Ridgewood/Queens, NY
May 1st -
David Watson Group W/Marcia Bassett/Ryan Sawyer/Daniel Carter/Lathan Hardy/Talice Lee/Sam Kulik/Ian Douglas-Moore/Kevin Shea - 6 - 8pm - Plymouth St and Washington St. Brooklyn. NY

May 4th -
Duo W/Marcia Bassett + Mark Morgan - Shift - 411 Kent Ave - Brooklyn, NY
May 22nd -
Solo Violin Set + Doug Shaw + Danny Arakaki - Union Pool - 7pm - Brooklyn, NY
May 26th -
The Stone W/David Watson and C. Spencer Yeh

European - Spring, 2022 Tour Dates:
May 30th - Duo W/Marcia Bassett + Gustavo Costa - Sonoscopia - Porto, Portugal
June 1st - Duo W/Marcia Bassett - Igreja de Santa Isabel - Lisbon, Portugal
June 3rd - Duo W/Marcia Bassett - Kaiola Festibala - Galdakao/Bilboa, Spain
June 4th - Duo  W/Marcia Bassett - Tabakalera - San Sabastian, Spain

June Italy Tour Dates - Solo Violin - All with Jooklo Quantius -
June 6th - Fela - Revine Lago (TV), Italy

June 7th - Nadir - Padova, Italy
June 8th - House Show - Monte Marenzo (LC) - Italy
June 9th -  Torchiera - Milan, Italy
June 10th - Raindogs - Savona, Italy

June 11th - Blackout Fest - Gabrio - Torino, Italy
June 16th - Bar India, Rome, Italy
June 17th - Todo Mundo -  Perugia, Italy
June 18th - Campiano Free Jazz - Campiano (LC), Italy

July 2nd - Pineapple Reality, Greenpoint, Brooklyn
July 23rd - The P.I.T. + Peeesseye - 8pm  - 411 S. 5th St., Williamsburg, Brooklyn
July 28th  - Montez Press Radio - 8pm - 46 Canal Street, NYC
August 5th - Nate Wooley’s Seven Story Mountain - Jazz em Agosto - Lisbon, Portugal

July 28th - Solo Violin Set at Montez Press Radio - 46 Canal St., NYC - 8pm

August 28th - Solo Violin + GRAY/SMITH + Sarah Hennies - Tubby’s - Kingston, NY

September 10th - Solo Violin + Katherine Liberovskaya video projection - Le Petite Versaille Garden - 247 E. 2nd Street, between Avenues B and C, NYC - 7pm sharp - Free Entry
September 17th - Solo Violin Set + Nate Wooley/Sam Weinberg + Treesearch - Limited Resources Series at Freddy’s Bar - Brooklyn, NY - 9pm

Oct 12th -  W/Barry Weisblat and Sam Weinberg - Sundown - Ridgewood, Queens

Duo W/Bill Nace  + Syko Friend:
Oct. 20th - W/Returnables - Jerry’s on Front - Philladelphia,
Oct. 21st - Chaos Computer - Brooklyn, NY
Oct. 22nd - Redscroll Records - Wallingford, CT

Nov. 10th - Solo set for Bill Nace’s record release show - Union Pool - Brooklyn, NY

Dec. 2nd - Duo W/Marcia Bassett - Jerry’s on Front - Philadelphia, PA
Dec. 3rd - Duo W/Marcia Bassett - Catalytic Sound Festival at Rhizome - Takoma, DC
Dec. 5th - Duo W/Barry Weisblat - Abasement at Artist’s Space - NYC


January 11th - Celebration/Music Memorial for Steve Dalachinsky - Nuyorican Poets Cafe - NYC

March 6th - Camilla Padgitt-Coles’ Installation - The Tuning House  + Camilla Padgitt-Coles/Ka Baird + Muyassar Kurdi - Closing Party at Essex Flowers - 19 Monroe St. - NYC
March 9th - Abasement at Max Fish + Phill Niblock plays ‘Stosspeng’ featuring Robert Poss/David Watson + Chris Corsano/Patrick Holmes/Leila Bordreuil + Jessica Ackerley - NYC
March 27th - CANCELLED -  Open Mouth Series at Brickbat Books  + TR7 - Philadelphia, PA

Sunday, July 5th, 2020 - 5pm CT -  Solo Violin Set via Transmission.
Starting at 2pm - Mitsuru Tabata, Angel Bat Dawid, Josephine Foster, Travis of Ono, Bobbie Watson/Jon Seagroatt of Comus, Tara Fursaxa/Brooke Sietinsons/Nathalie Shapiro, Samara Lubelski, Makoto Kawabata   More info here

July 30th -  Klangbad Echo Festival - with Metabolismus - Scheer, Germany

Dahl/Michael Foster - Trans Pecos - Ridgewood, NY
Aug 4th  -  Neue Schachtel - with Metabolismus - Stuttgart, Germany

Aug 20th  -  Duo Violins with Spencer Yeh - 9pm set + Andrew Barker/Tim

Upcoming - End of Summer/Fall 2021:
Sept 26th - Duo with Bill Nace - La Plaza Cultural - 6pm - Elliott Sharp at 5pm  - 9th St. and Ave C - NYC - FREE. #CityArtistCorps
Sept 12th  - Solo Violin Set w/Barry Weisblat on projections - Opening for Thurston Moore/Steve Shelley/Ernie Brooks -  Le Poisson Rouge - NYC
Sept 11th - Solo Violin - 4:45am - Sunrise Show at Transmitter Park Pier - Greenpoint - Brooklyn, NY
Sept 4th -  Duo Violins with Spencer Yeh - 9pm set + Gunn/Ismaily/Sawyer + Lester St. Louis - Union Pool - Brooklyn, NY

11/20/21 - Duo with Werner Nötzel at Neue Schachtel + T.U.B. - Stuttgart, Germany.
11/05/21 - Playing in Nate Wooley’s Seven Storey Mountain VI at the Jazzfest Berlin.


January 11th - Celebration/Music Memorial for Steve Dalachinsky - Nuyorican Poets Cafe - NYC

March 6th - Camilla Padgitt-Coles’ Installation - The Tuning House  + Camilla Padgitt-Coles/Ka Baird + Muyassar Kurdi - Closing Party at Essex Flowers - 19 Monroe St. - NYC
March 9th - Abasement at Max Fish + Phill Niblock plays ‘Stosspeng’ featuring Robert Poss/David Watson + Chris Corsano/Patrick Holmes/Leila Bordreuil + Jessica Ackerley - NYC
March 27th - CANCELLED -  Open Mouth Series at Brickbat Books  + TR7 - Philadelphia, PA

October 30th  - Solo Violin Set - Hart Bar - Bushwick, BK
November 23rd - Nate Wooley’s Seven Storey Mountain VI -
St. Peter’s Church


Jan. 12th - Loren Connors Residency PT 2 -
Loren Connors Solo + Laura Ortman (solo and duo w/Loren Connors) + Samara Lubelski - Solo Violin and Duo Set w/Loren Connors at HOLO - Ridgewood, NY

March 30th - Duo w/Bill Nace - The White Chapel Projects - Long Branch, NJ

April 3rd - Duo w/Bill Nace + Jessica Pavone +
Sandy Ewen & Chris LiButti - Muchmore’s - Brooklyn, NY
April 15th - Duo w/Jon Collin - Sunview Luncheonette - Brooklyn, NY

July 8th - Nate Wooley’s Seven Storey Mountain - Walter - Brussels, Belgium
July 9th - Duo w/Ryan Sawyer - Gent Jazz Festival - Gent, Belgium
July 9th - Nate Wooley’s Seven Storey Mountain - Gent Jazz Festival - Gent, Belgium

July Duos w/Bill Nace -
July 17th - Collision + Mirror Trio - Pittsburgh, PA
July 18th - Hanson Records Shop + The Silly Siblings - Oberlin, Ohio
July 20th - Strangewaves - Paris, Ontario
July 21st - Duende at Silo + Steve Baczkowski Solo - Buffalo, NY
July 28th - Due w/Marcia Bassett + Loren Connors & Susan Langille + Bob Bellerue & guests - First Unitarian Congregational Society - Afternoon Show - Brooklyn, NY

August Duos w/Marcia Bassett - U.S. West Coast Dates:
15th - Los Angeles - Human Resources
16th - San Francisco - Center for New Music
17th - Santa Cruz - Indexical/Radius Gallery
18th - Berkley - Berkeley Art Museum - 4:30pm show.
19th - Arcata, CA - The Miniplex at Richard’s Goat
21st - Portland - Turn! Turn! Turn!
22nd - Seattle - Wayward Music Series - Chapel Performance Space at the Good Shepherd Center
24th - Vancouver - The Toast Collective

Duo w/Bill Nace + Double Wig
Sept. 5th - Denim Factory - Richmond, VA
Sept. 6th - Raleigh, NC
Sept. 7th - Tarantula Hill - Baltimore, MD

October 3rd - Duo w/Bill Nace + John Krausbauer & Tetuzi Akiyama - H0L0 - Ridgewood, Queens
October 4th - CANCELLED / Bill Nace will play solo  + John Krausbauer & Tetuzi Akiyama - Vox Populi - Philadelphia, PA 10 pm late show
October 30th  - Solo Violin Set - Hart Bar - Bushwick, BK
November 23rd - Nate Wooley’s Seven Storey Mountain VI -
St. Peter’s Church

Dec. 4th - Trio w/Bill Nace & Thurston Moore at The Stone - NYC
Dec. 28th - Duo w/Marcia Bassett + Spencer Herbst + Russ Waterhouse + Shots at Alphaville - Brooklyn, NY


March 30th - Duo w/Marcia Bassett & projections by Barry Weisblat + Spencer Herbst + Bentley Anderson & Mystic Ruler - Wonders of Nature - Brooklyn, NY

April 12th - Solo violin set + Chuck Johnson + Bill Orcutt - Union Pool, Brooklyn, NY
April 19th - Duo w/Bill Nace - Outpost Artists Resources - Queens, NY

May 18th - Nate Wooley’s Seven Storey Mountain - Moers Festival - Moers, Germany
May 26th - Record Release party for Flickers At The Station w/Moritz Finkbeiner, Thilo Kuhn and Werner Notzel - Neue Schachtel - Stuttgart, Germany

June 16th -  Duo W/Marcia Bassett - Root Cellar - Greenfield, MA
June 17th  - Duo W/Marcia Bassett - Casa Del Popolo - Montreal, CA.
June 23rd - 7pm - Record Release Gig for Flickers At The Station at Record Grouch - Brooklyn, NY.
June 29 - Duo W/Marcia Bassett + Zomes + Stephen Strobmeier - Union Pool - Brooklyn, NY
June 30th - 7:30pm - Duo W/Loren Connors + Spencer Herbst/Taketo Shimada + Rob Mayson - Microscope Gallery - Brooklyn, NY

Dec. 6th - Tro W/Bill Nace/Daniel Carter + Utter Nots + Crammm - The Glove - Bushwick, NYC
Dec. 9th - Duo W/Bill Nace + Fursaxa - Philadelphia Record Exchange
Dec. 11th - Duo W/Marcia Bassett - Abasement at Max Fish - NYC

August 22 - Solo Violin Set + Tom Carter & Pat Murano + Jantar - Sunview Luncheonette - Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Samara Lubelski/Metabolismus European Tour Dates
Nov. 14th - Strasbourg, France - Diamant Didior
Nov. 15th - Freiburg, Germany - KTS
Nov. 16th - Biel, Switzerland - Stadion Gurzelen
Nov. 17th - Lyon, France - Grrrnd Zero
Nov. 18th - Vareilles, France – Le Maquis
Nov. 19th - Paris, France - Le Non Jazz - Les Nautes
Nov. 20th - Amiens, France - Acceuil Froid Nuke
Nov. 21st - Brussels, Belgium - La Cheminee
Nov. 22nd - Antwerp, Belgium - De Audio Plant
Nov. 23rd - Gent, Belgium - Eastern Daze Festival
Nov. 24th - Cologne, Germany - King Georg
Nov. 29th - Stuttgart, Germany - Neue Schachtel

Duo Violin Dates in Italy
Nov. 7th - W/Maurizio Abate - Milan, IT - UNZA
Nov. 8th - W/Virginia Genta - Ravenna, IT - Paradoxes Series at the Planetarium of Ravenna

Dec. 9th - Duo with Bill Nace + Tara Burke at Philadelphia Record Exchange
12/11 Duo w/Marcia Bassett at Abasement/Max Fish. Spencer Herbst Typewriter pieces on exhibit/opening - 8pm.


Opening for Alvarius B. on Sunday, Feb. 5th at Union Pool, Brooklyn, NY

April 10th - W/Mark Morgan at Abasement in Max Fish.

April 27th - W/Bill Nace at Union Pool (+ Vampire Belt and Daniel Carter/Leila Bordreuil & Chris Corsano).

May 26th - Playing W/Umwurf - Delta~Wave Festival - Antwerp, Belgium
May 27th - Umwurf - Occii - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
May 28th - Umwurf - Neue Schachtel - Stuttgart, Germany  

June 15th - Fire Over Heaven Series - Duo w/Marcia Baasett + Charmaine Lee + Ka Baird - The Sump - Ridgewood, Queens

August 3rd - W/Nate Wooley’s Seven Storey Mountain at A L'ARME Festival - Berlin, Germany
August 4th - Opening for Royal Trux - Urban Spree - Berlin, Germany

September 16th - Sonic Circuits Festival - Rhizome - Washington, DC
September 20th - Solo Violin Set - W/Kid Millions/Jim Sauter and Rivener - Trans Pecos - Ridgewood, NY

October 6th - Duo W/Bill Nace and Fursaxa - Turners Falls, MA
October 7th - Hut - School For Contemporary Dance and Thought - Northampton, MA

November 10th - Duo W/Marcia Bassett - Le Guess Who - Utrecht, The Netherlands. Additional Duo Tour Dates to Follow.

European Duo Tour with Marcia Bassett:
Nov. 9th - De Audio Plant - W/DJs Bart Sloow and Christian Pallin - Antwerp, Belgium
Nov. 10th - Le Guess Who? - Utrecht, The Netherlands
Nov. 11th - Sonic City - Kortrijk, Belgium
Nov. 12th - L’Armony - Paris - Montreuil, France
Nov. 14th - Grrrnd Zero - Lyon, France
Nov. 15th - Cave 12 - Geneva, Switzerland
Nov. 16th - Neu Schachtel - w/Olimpia Splendid - Stuttgart, Germany
Nov. 17th - Skanu Mesz at One One - Riga, Latvia
Nov. 19th - Modellbahn - Berlin, Germany
Nov. 20th - Ausland - Berlin, Germany


December 10th - solo guitar and vocals set + Zaimph and Fursaxa. 5pm. 184 West St #2, Greenpont, Brooklyn

Feb. 7th - Solo (W/Matt Valentine/Dave Mies, Mary Lattimore) Trans Pecos - Brooklyn, NY

March 6th - Duo with Marcia Bassett (W/Charalambides /Anastasia Clarke, Ka Baird, Sandy Gordon, Daniel Carter) Trans Pecos - Brooklyn, NY

March 24th - Solo Set - Troost  (Chicken A Go Go Series w/Phillip Franklin, Gryphon Rue) -  Brooklyn, NY

June 7th - 9pm -Samara Lubelski (solo violin set) + Jooklo Duo + Cp Unit (Chris Pitsiokos, Brandon Seabrook, Tim Dahl, Weasel Walter) - Muchmores - 2 Havemayer, Brooklyn, NY

June 20th - Trio with Barry Weisblat and Mathew Regula at Trans Pecos - Brooklyn, NY

July 7th - Duo with Barry Weisblat at The Sump - Brooklyn, NY

July 14th - Trio With Bill Nace and David Watson - The Sump, Ridgewood, NY

July 24th - Duo With Bill Nace - Cold Spring Hollow, Belchertown, MA

North West Dates - Duo W/Marcia Bassett:
Aug. 19th - AKA Gallery - W/Theo Angell, Tara Jane O’Neil and Christine Shields - Portland, OR
Aug. 20th - Red Gate -  W/Gretchen Snakes, Rusalka and Clear Channel - Vancouver, BC
Aug. 23rd - Hollow Earth Radio Performance/Broadcast - 2018 A E. Union St., Seattle, WA
Aug. 25th - Holocene - W/Tenses, The Lavender Flu & Grouper DJ SET - Portland, OR

Europe/Scandinavia/England Solo Songs Tour - Fall 2016
Sept 23 - w/Olympia Splendid/Elatu Ressa - Valpaann Taiteenn Tilia - Helsinki, Finland
Sept 24 - Mayhem - Copenhagen, Denmark
Sept 25 - Utmarken - Bergen, Norway
Sept 26 - ACUD - Berlin, Germany
Sept 27 - Wunderbar - Rotterdam, Germany
Sept 28 - Dulcimer Bar + Tom Carter - Manchester, England
Sept 29 - Wharf Chambers + Tom Carter + Ashtray Navigations - Leeds, England
Oct 1 -     Tor Festival - Todmorden, England
Oct 4 -     Upset The Rhythm at The Lexington - London, England
Oct 6 -     Cafe De La Concorde - Toulouse, France
Oct 7 -     Ar Quente - Faro Portugal
Oct 15 -   Neue Schachtel + special guests - Stuttgart, Germany


California Dates - December, 2015:
Dec. 3rd - Pehr Space (W/Tara Jane O'Neil/Telecaves/Itasca) - LA, CA
Dec. 4th - Santo (W/Tara Jane O'Neil/FWY!/Jeffrey Alexander) - Oakland, CA
Dec. 5th - KALX - Live Radio Broadcast. 11am PST
Dec. 5th - Adobe Books (W/Tara Jane O'Neil/Dire Wolves) - SF, CA
Dec. 9th - Hyperion Tavern, (W/Tara Jane O'Neil/Emmet Kelly) - LA, CA
Sept. 30th - Opening for God Speed You Black Emperor at Music Hall of Williamsburg.

September Gigs - 2015:
Sept. 13th - Violin and Guitar Duo w/Marcia Bassett (W/Spires That In The Sunset Rise/MV Carbon) - Silent Barn, Brooklyn, NY
Sept. 21st - Violin and Guitar Duo w/Bill Nace - Abasement at Max Fish, NYC

More Summer Gigs 2015 - Part 2
Aug. 14th - Solo Violin Set (w/Bill Nace and Barry Weisblat) - Montague Bookmill, Montague, MA
Aug. 17th - Don Dietrich + Camille Dietrich + Nate Wooley (trumpet) + Samara Lubelski (violin) + Brandon Lopez (contra-bass) - Jack, Brooklyn, NY
Aug. 18th - Solo Violin Set - (w/Tara Jane O'Neil and Sapropelic Pycnic) - Union Pool, Brooklyn, NY
Aug. 27th - Solo Song/Guitar Set (w/Meg Baird & Mary Lattimore) - Johnny Brenda’s, Philadelphia, PA
Aug. 30 - 7pm Early Show - Solo Song/Guitar Set (w/Meg Baird & Tom Carter & Mary Lattimore) - Union Pool, Brooklyn, NY

More Summer Gigs 2015 - Part 1
July 13th - Solo Violin Set - Max Fish Basement, NYC
July 17th - Song/Guitar Set - Secret Project Robot, Brooklyn, NY
July 25th - Duo w/Marcia Bassett - Spotty Dog, Hudson, NY
Aug. 2nd - Free Afternoon gig (2pm) - Solo Violin Set and Duo with Ryan Sawyer -  Union Pool, Brooklyn, NY
May 9th - w/Seven Storey Mountain at IPR at Abrons Art Center, NYC
May 13th - Duo with Marcia Bassett - Ende Tymes Festival, Knock Down Center, Brooklyn, NY
May 15th - Solo Violin - El Nicho Festival - Mexico City, Mexico
May 17th - Duo with Marcia Bassett  - El Nicho Festival - Mexico City, Mexico
June 5th - Duo with Marcia Bassett - Union Pool (w/Chris Corsano/Okyung Lee/Bill Nace trio), Brooklyn, NY
June 15th - Solo violin at Silent Barn (Jooklo Duo w/Don Dietrich & Andrew Barker/Powerdove), Brooklyn, NY

Solo Violin and Metabolismus in Europe:
March 13th - Metabolismus - Les Ateliers Claus, Brussels, Belgium
March 14th - Metabolismus - Stadtgarden, Cologne, Germany
March 15th - Metabolismus - Berlin (Studio db Uferstraße 8-11), Germany
April 9th - Solo Violin - Mima, Rotterdam, Netherlands
April 10th - Solo Violin - Stadslimiet, Antwerp, Belgium
April 12th - Solo Violin - Gym - Groningen, Netherlands (cancelled)
April 15th - Solo Violin - O'Tannenbaum (W/Paul Labrecque) - Berlin, Germany
May 2nd - Solo Violin and Metabolismus - Troglo Fest, Santa Maria In Punta, Italy
May 3rd - Metabolismus - Cicloficina - Milan, Italy

January 2015 New York Dates:

Duos with Marcia Bassett at Babys All Right - 6pm early show (w/Rangda) and at Palisades, January 18th.


November 2014 Solo Violin Dates:
Nov. 5th - Akusmata - Helsinki, Finland
Nov. 7th - Dynamo - Turku, Finland
Nov. 8th - Festival of Endless Gratitude - Copenhagen, Denmark
Sept 28th  - Marcia Bassett and Samara Lubelski duo at Union Pool, Brooklyn, NY w/Oceans Roar 1000 and Utter Nots
Oct 17th - Metabolismus - SUS Record Release Show at Rakete, Stuttgart, Germany
August 2nd - Northern Routes Festival/NewSalem, Ma. Aug 25th - Solo Violin Set at Baby’s All Right, Brooklyn, NY. With Oso Blanco (Colin Stetson, C Spencer Yeh, Nate Wooley & Ryan Sawyer).
Sept 6th - Solo Violin Set at Sonorium/Griffen Theatre, Salem, MA.
Ultra Eczema Bruis Melk Festival - Saturday, June 21st at Trans Pecos, Brooklyn, NY.
April 23rd - Solo violin set at Silent Barn, Brooklyn, NY W/Ignatz/Zaimph/Kuschty Rye Ergot.
May 9 - Marcia Bassett/Samara Lubelski - End Tymes Festival at Silent Barn, Brooklyn, NY.

Winter/Spring 2014 East Coast Dates:
March 27 - Two solo sets - an improvised violin set at 8 PM, and then a song set on voice and guitar at 10 PM. The performances are (respectively) accompanied by visuals themed URBAN ROMANCE (SQUALOR) and SHADOWS OF FORGOTTEN ANCESTORS (EXCERPTS) at Spectacle Theater, Brooklyn, NY.
See the trailer here:
March 23 - Metal Mountains (PG Six/Helen Rush/Samara Lubelski) with New Bums at Baby’s All Right in Brooklyn, NY.
Feb. 7 - Solo violin set at The Lily Pad in Cambridge, MA W/Raajmahal and Muyassar Kurdi.

European Tour Dates (Solo Violin) Jan/Feb, 2014
Jan. 15 - PT, LISBON, ZDB
Jan. 29 - UK, LONDON, CAFE OTO w/Thurston Moore
Jan.  2 - with Thurston Moore, Ryan Sawyer, Nate Wooley and Daniel Carter - NYC - The Stone


Upcoming Shows Winter 2013:
Dec 31 -  Chelsea Light Moving - NYC - The Stone
Dec  6 - Solo - Stuttgart, Germany - Rakete
Nov 27 - Trio with Werner Notzel and Thilo Kuhn - Stuttgart, Germany - Rakete
Nov 23 - Chelsea Light Moving - ATP - Camber Sands, England
Duo w/Marcia Bassett - Sept. 26th - Union Pool, Brooklyn w/Michael Morley and Tom Carter.
Sept. 27th - Metal Mountains - Union Pool, Brooklyn

Chelsea Light Moving Fall Touring 2013:

Sept 11 - Lancaster, PA – Chameleon Club
Sept 12 - Columbus, OH – Ace of Cups
Sept 13 - Buffalo, NY – The Tralf Music Hall
Sept 14 - Hamilton, Ontario – Supercrawl
Sept 15 - Toronto, Ontario – NXNE / Horseshoe Tavern
Sept 16 - Montreal, Quebec – Cabaret Mile End
Oct 27 - Carrboro, NC – Local 506
Oct 28 - Athens, GA – 40 Watt Club
Oct 30 - Birmingham, AL – The Bottletree
Oct 31 - Atlanta, GA – The Earl
Nov 01 - Tallahassee, FL – Club Downunder
Nov 02 - Tampa, FL – The Orpheum
Nov 04 - New Orleans, LA – One Eyed Jacks
Nov 07 - Dallas, TX – Trees
Nov 08-10 - Austin, TX – Fun Fun Fun Fest
Nov 11 - Nashville, TN – Exit/In
Nov 13 - Baltimore, MD – Ottobar

July 2013 Solo Tour Dates:
June 22nd, All Tomorrow’s Parties - Camber Sands, England
July 8th,  Sorbus Gallery, Helsinki, Finland w/Olimpia Splendid      July 19th Cafe OTO, London, England
July 21st - Antwerp, ULTRA ECZEMA - STADSLIMIET (ernest van dijckkaai 4)
(Stortenbekerstraat 207)
July 23rd - Koln, KING GEORG (opening for Moon Duo)

Metabolismus/Jooklo Duo:
July 11th - Brussels, Belgium - Etablissement d'en Face
July 13th - P'tit-Faystival - Belgium

Chelsea Light Moving:
7th   - Bergen, Norway - Hulen
8th   - Oslo, Norway – Blaa
10th - Stockholm, Sweden – Debaser
11th - Gotenburg, Sweden – Nefertiti
13th - Antwerp, Belgium – Ab
14th - London, Village Underground
16th - Dublin, Whelans
17th - Bristol, The Fleece
18th - Leeds, Brudenell Social Club
21st - Dudigen, Switzerland – Bad Bonn
22nd - Paris, France – Instants Chavirés
23rd - Duisberg, Germany – Traumzeit Festival
25th - Groningen, Netherlands – Vera
26th - Nijmegen, Netherlands – Doornroosje
27th - Utrecht, Netherlands – De Helling
29th - Keflavik, Iceland - ATP Iceland
July -
1st  - München, Germany – Ampere - w/Metabolismus/Jooklo Duo
2nd - Schorndorf, Germany – Manufaktur  - w/Metabolismus/Jooklo Duo
3rd  - Frankfurt, Germany – Zoom- w/ Metabolismus/Jooklo Duo
4th  - Berlin, Germany – Festaal
5th  - Hamburg, Germany – Westwerk
6th  - Roskilde, Denmark – Roskilde Festival
7th  - Helsinki, Finland – Kuudes Aisti Festival
12th - Bruges, Belgium – Cactus Festival

Solo + Metal Mountains w/Willie Lane in Turner Falls, MA., May 4th.

Solo at Strange Maine April 26th w/Herb Craft and Video Nasties and The Belfast Free Range Festival in Belfast Maine, April 27th.

Chelsea Light Moving - May Dates :
May 15th Hudson, NY – Club Helsinki
May 16th Burlington, VT – Signal Kitchen
May 17th SHOW DAY Victoriaville, QC
Festival International de Musique Actuelle de Victoriaville.

March/April 2013 Chelsea Light Moving Tour dates:
March-02 Hoboken, NJ Maxwells
March-03 NYC, OtherMusic Instore
March-04 Charlottesville, VA The Southern
March-05 Asheville, NC Grey Eagle
March-06 Raleigh, NC Kings Barcade
March-07 Savannah, GA Savannah Stopover
March-08 Atlanta, GA The Earl
March-10 Denton, TX 35 Denton
March-12- 15 Austi, TX SXSW
March-19 Los Angeles, CA Echoplex
March-20 San Francisco, CA Great American Music Hall
March-22 Portland, OR Doug Fir
March-23 Seattle, WA Neumo’s
March-27 Minneapolis, MN Triple Rock
March-28 Madison, WN, High Noon Saloon
March-29 Chicago, IL Empty Bottle
March-30 Detroit, MI Magic Stick
March-31 Toronto, ONT Lee’s Palace
April-02 Pittsburgh, PA Mr. Smalls
April-03 Philadelphia, PA Union Transfer
April-04 Washington, DC Black Cat
April-05 New York, NY Bowery Ballroom
April-06 Hartford, CT Arch St. Tavern
April-07 Boston, MA The Sinclair.

Samara Lubelski Solo European Tour Dates Jan/Feb 2013
January  25 - Essen, UNROCK
January  26 - Brussels, ANCIENNE BELGIQUE
January  27 - Geneva, CAVE12
January  29 - Lisboa, LOUNGE
January  30 - Viseu, TEATRO VIRIATO
February 02- Guimaraes, CENTRO CULTURAL VILA FLOR
February 09- Stuttgart, THE WAGON w/ Metabolismus


October/November Solo Dates:
Oct. 19th  Solo Show - De Stijl at Death By Audio, NYC
Oct. 30th  Solo Show - Perth, Australia - Rosemont Hotel
Nov. 8th   Solo Show - Seoul, South Korea - Mudaeruk
Nov. 9th   Solo Show - Seoul, South Korea - Mudaeruk
Thurston Moore/Chelsea Light Moving Tour Dates:

Oct. 25th  Melbourne, Australia – Melbourne Festival, Hammer Hall
Oct. 26th  Sydney, Australia – Hi Fi Sydney
Oct. 27th  Brisbane, Australia – Hi Fi Brisbane
Oct. 29th  Adelaide, Australia – The Gov
Oct. 30th  Perth, Australia – Rosemont Hotel
Nov. 1st   Taipei City, Taiwan – Neo Studio
Nov. 2nd  Osaka, Japan - Big Cat
Nov. 4th   Tokyo, Japan – Hostess Club Weekender / Zepp Diver City
Nov. 5th   Tokyo, Japan - Zepp Diver City
Nov. 7th   Seoul, South Korea - Interpark Art Center

August/September Shows:
August 17 - With Metabolismus at The Wagon (two sets) -Stuttgart, Germany.
September 3 - Duo with Marcia Bassett (Opening for Alvarius B.)/ Johnny Brenda’s - Philadelphia, PA.
September 4 - Duo with Marcia Bassett (Opening for Alvarius B.)/Union Pool - Brooklyn, NY.
September 12 - Chelsea Light Moving will play a benefit for Tom Carter, presented by Issue Project Room, at 285 Kent with Steve Gunn and White Out.

Thurston Moore/Chelsea Light Moving July-August Tour Dates:
July 26th  Castelbasso, Italy -  Soundlabs Festival
July 28th Hyeres French Riviera – Hippodrome, MIDI Festival
July 29th Dijon, France – Le Consortium
July 30th Dudingen, Switzerland – Bad Bonn
July 31st  Luxembourg - Atelier
August 1st Antwerp, Belgium – Open Air Theatre in the Park
August 2nd Schorndorf, Germany - Mankufaktur - Opening w/Metabolismus
August 3rd Vienna, Austria - Stadtsaal
August 4th Katowice, Poland – Off Festival
August 5th Dresden, Germany – Alter Schlachthof
August 6th Copenhagen, Denmark – Vega
August 8th Oslo, Norway – Oya Festival
August 9th Gothenborg, Sweden – Way Out Festival

Upcoming Solo and Thurston Moore Tour Dates:
July 14 - Asheville, NC - Grey Eagle (violin set playing with Aswara) + MV&EE, Willie Lane, Herbcraft, Dredd Foole, Michael Flower Band, Von Himmel.
June 16 - Chicago, IL - Rueben’s Palace w/Hush Arbors
June 17 - Minneapolis, MN - 400 Bar w/Hush Arbors

Thurston Moore June Dates:
June 22 - Calgary, Canada – Sled Island Festival
June 24 - Missoula, MT – Top Hat
June 27 - Boulder, CO – Boulder Theatre
June 29 - Denver, CO – Larimer Lounge

Marcia Bassett and Samara Lubelski record release show at Issue Project Room on April 5th with The New Monuments (C. Spencer Yeh, Ben Hall, and Don Dietrich) and Lasse Marhaug.
Also doing a duo live performance on East Village Radio’s Just Music - April 1st at 10pm.

Thurston Moore April Tour Dates:
7th - Mexico City, MX - Indie O Fest 2012
9th - Buenos Aires, AR - Niceto Club
10th - Buenos Aires, AR - Niceto Club
11th - Porto, BR - Opinioa Bar
12th - Sao Paoulo, BR - Cine Joia
13th - Rio de Janeiro, BR - Circo Voador
15th - Santiago, CL - Teatro Oriente.

Thurston Moore March Tour Dates:
9th – Minehead, Somerset, UK – All Tomorrow’s Parties festival – Butlins Holiday Centre
11th – Guimaraes, Portugal – Centro Cultural Vila Flor (CCVF)
12th – Lisbon, Portugal – National Geographic Society
14th - A Coruna, Spain
15th  - Madrid, Spain – Sala Arena
16th  - Grenada, Spain – Centro Cultural Caja Grenada
18th -  Barcelona, Spain – La [2]

Metal Mountains at Union Pool with Ed Askew, February 16th.
Duo with Thurston Moore at Issue Project Room, February 23rd.

Thurston Moore 2012 U.S. Tour Dates
27 - Hudson, NY - Club Helskinki
28 – Hartford, CT -  Aetna Theatre
29 – Burlington, VT - First Unitarian Church
30 – Portland, ME - SPACE Gallery
31 – Somerville, MA  - Somerville Theatre *
02 – New York, NY - Lincoln Center’s American Songbook
03 – Hoboken, NJ - Maxwell’s
04 – New Hope, PA - New Hope Winery
05 – Washington, DC - Black Cat
07 – Durham, NC - Reynolds Industries Theater
08 – Atlanta, GA -The Goat Form
10 – Dallas, TX - Texas Theatre
11 – Austin, TX - St. Davids Church

Solo gig at Death By Audio, January 12th, with Pigeons and Steve Gunn.


Upcoming NYC shows:
Metal Mountains at Zebulon, December 28th with Joshua Burkett and Steve Gunn.

Solo gig with Hush Arbors and Sunburned Hand of The Man at Cafe Oto (London) -December 1st.

Metal Mountains W/Josephine Foster at Union Pool (Brooklyn, NY) - October 25th.

Thurston Moore 2011 European Tour Dates:
27 – Dublin, UK - Button Factory
28 – Glasgow, UK - Arches
29 – Leeds, UK - Brudenell
30 – Manchester, UK – The Ritz

2 – London, UK – Union Chapel
3 - London, UK - Electric Ballroom
4 - Cologne, Germany - Alter UFA Filmpalast
5 – Berlin, DE – Volksbühne
6 – Munich, DE – Kammerspiele
7 – Ferrara, IT – Teatro Comunale
8 – Roma, IT – Parco della Musica
9 – Milano, IT – Teatro Dal Verm
10 – Zurich, CH – Moods / Kilbi Im Exil
11 - Paris, France - La Gaite Lyrique
12 - Amsterdam, Netherlands - De Duif
13 - Ghent, Belgium - Vooruit

Thurston Moore 2011 tour dates continued:
19 - Wilimington, De, World Cafe Live at the Queen
20 - Brooklyn, NY, Music Hall of Williamsburg
28 - Paris, France, Villette Sonique Festival
29 - Brussels, Belgium, AB 
31 - London, UK, Union Chapel
25 - North Adams, MA, Solid Sound Festival
15 - Chicago, IL, Pitchfork Music Festival
16 - Madison, WI, High Noon Saloon
18 - Minneapolis, MN, Varsity Theatre
21 - Vancouver, BC, Rickshaw Theatre
22 - Seattle, WA, Capitol Hill Block Party
23 - Portland, OR, Aladin Theater
25 - Oakland, CA, New Parish
26 - San Francisco, CA, Great American Music Hall
28 - West Hollywood, CA, Troubadour
29 - West Hollywood, CA, Troubadour
30 - San Diego, CA, The Casbah
31 - Pioneertown, CA, Pappy & Harriets
04 - Salt Lake City, UT, Twilight Music Series
28 - Ottawa, Canda, Ottawa Music Festival
30 - Philadelphia, PA, Sactuary @ First Unitarian Church
27 - Los Angeles, CA, Masonic Lodge
29 - Big Sur - Henry Miller Library
30 - San Francisco - Hardly Strictly Blues


SAMARA LUBELSK w/Josh Stevenson, Moritz Finkbeiner & Werner Notzel + KUUPUU -
November/December 2009 European Tour Dates:
11/10 - Lyon, GRRRRRND ZERO
11/11 - Barcelona, MISCELANEA
11/14 - Lisboa, MUSEU DO CHIADO
11/15 - Madrid, TANNED TIN
11/17 - Geneve, CAVE12
11/18 - Paris, LA SUITE
11/19 - Krefeld, UNROCK
11/20 - Amsterdam, OCCII
11/22 - Darmstadt, OETINGER VILLA w/Inca Ore
11/23 - Copenhagen, ESCHO
11/24 - Gothenburg, KOLONI
11/25 - Oslo, BLA
11/26 - Stockholm, STRAND
11/28 - Tallinn, VON KRAHL
11/29 - Tampere, TELAKKA
11/30 - Helsinki, SEMIFINAL
12/02 - Malmo, INKONST
12/03 - Bremen, DIE FRIESE
12/04 - Aalst, NETWERK
12/05 - Dudingen, BAD BONN
12/06 - Stuttgart, THE WAGON
12/13 - Istanbul, ARKAODA (solo gig)

September 2009 East Coast Tour Dates with Helen Rush:
9/19 - The Arts Center - Saratoga Springs, NY w/Joshua Burkett
9/20 - The Radio Bean - Burlington, VT w/Joshua Burkett
9/21 - Elevens - Northampton, MA w/Joshua Burkett
9/22 - The Whitehaus Family Record - Jamaica Plain, MA - w/Joshua Burkett
9/23 - 941 Theatre - Philadelphia, PA w/Spires That In The Sunset Rise/Joshua Burkett
9/24 - Morning Glory Coffee House - Pittsburgh, PA w/Spires That In The Sunset Rise/Joshua Burkett
9/26 - Soundfix Records - Brooklyn, NY
9/27 - Sundazed at BAR - New Haven, CT w/Joshua Burkett


Approximately Infinite Universe Tour 2008
9/19 CCA, Glasgow, Scotland
9/20 Lemon Tree, Aberdeen, Scotland
9/21 Bar Abbey, Sheffield, England
9/23 Hare & Hounds, Birmingham, England
9/24 Gateshead Sage, Newcastle, England
9/25 Contact Theatre, Manchester, England
9/26 The Cube, Bristol, England
9/27 ICA, London, England

March Tour Dates-
With Helen Rush, Josh Stevenson, Barry London and special guests along the way:
3/08 First Unitarian Church Chapel, Philadelphia, PA
3/09 Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland, OH
3/10 AV-aerie, Chicago, IL
3/11 Firebay at the Waldron, Bloomington, IA
3/13 SXSW, The Social Registry showcase, Austin, TX
3/14 SXSW, Ecstatic Peace showcase, Austin, TX
3/16 Rudyard's Pub, Houston, TX
3/18 Grimey's Record Store, Nashville, TN
3/19 Springwater, Nashville, TN
3/20 Pilot Light, Knoxville, TN
3/21 Night Light, Chapel Hill, NC
3/22 Twisted Branch Tea Bazaar, Charlottesville, VA
3/26 Glasslands, Brooklyn, NY

Sitting in with White Out -
3/29 - The Stone, New York, NY
3/13 -Thurston Moore and The New Wave Bandits at South By Southwest - Roky Erickson's Psychedelic Ice Cream Social
Threadgill's - Austin, TX
3/14 Ecstatic Peace showcase, Austin, TX
3/15 French Legation, Austin, TX

In February and March:
2/28 - Metal Mountains
Union Pool, Brooklyn, N.Y.

3/01 - Thurston Moore & The New Wave Bandits
opening for Roky Erikson Webster Hall, New York City

MV & EE with The Golden Road European Tour
January/February 2008:
01/19 Heathen Hearts Festival, Bunker, Brussels, Belgium
01/20 Helbaard, The Hague, Netherlands
01/21 West Germany, Berlin, Germany
01/22 Byens Lys, Copenhagen, Denmark
01/23 TBA, Aarhus, Denmark
01/24 Für Flüssigkeiten & Schwingungen (FFUS), Stuttgart, Germany
01/25 Case A Chocs, Neuchatel, Switzerland
01/26 Bad Bonn, Dudingen, Switzerland
01/27 Cave 12, Geneva, Switzerland
01/28 Sala Apolo, Barcelona, Spain
01/29 Castellon, Spain, Centro Municipal de Cultura
01/30 Wurlitzer Ballroom, Madrid, Spain
01/31 Salón Teatro Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
02/01 Teatro Circo, Braga, Portugal
02/02 Museo de Chiado, Lisbon, Portugal
02/04 Portland Arms, Cambridge, England
02/05 Prince Albert, Brighton, England
02/06 Luminere, London, England -
Check the MV & EE MySpace page for additional UK dates

Upcoming in January:
01/05 - MV & EE with The Golden Road
Issue Project Room, Brooklyn, NY

01/06 - Metal Mountains
BAR, New Haven, CT
with Ed Askew & Joshua Burkett0

1/08 - Ecstatic Peace! night at The Knitting Factory, New York, NY
MV & EE with The Golden Road, Thurston Moore Groop, Tall Firs, Religious Knives


December Thurston Moore Tour Dates. Sitting in with the Thurston Moore Band in support of the "Trees Outside The Academy" album release.
12/04 Tripod, Dublin, Ireland
12/06 Scala, London, United Kingdom
12/07 All Tomorrow's Parties, Minehead, United Kingdom
12/08 Primavera Club Festival, Barcelona, Spain
12/10 Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, Belgium
12/11 Trabendo, Paris, France

Playing in the MV & EE Golden Road band for the following dates:
10/21: Sundazed at BAR - New Haven, CT
10/22: Knitting Factory - New York, NY with PG SixGo to for the full list of MV & EE tour dates.

October Thurston Moore Tour Dates:
10/17 Apple Store Soho, New York, NY
10/24 Neumos, Seattle, WA*
10/25 Doug Fir, Portland, OR*
10/26 Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA*
10/28 Amoeba Records, San Francisco, CA (2pm show)
10/29 Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA*
10/30 Echoplex, Los Angeles, CA*
10/31 Howie & Sons Pizza, Visalia, CA
11/01 Jimmy Kimmel Show, Los Angeles, CA*with Scorces

Upcoming Solo Show 10/06: Club Midway, New York, NY - with PG Six

September Solo West Coast Shows: 
9/13: Blim, Vancouver, BC
9/14: Gallery 1412, Seattle, WA
9/15: Towne Lounge, Portland, OR
9/16: Wandering Goat Coffee Company, Eugene, OR
9/18: Bomb Shelter, Davis, CA
9/19: 21 Grand, Oakland, CA
9/20: Hemlock Tavern, San Francisco, CA
9/21: The Crepe Place, Santa Cruz, CA
9/22: Pehr Space, Los Angeles, CA

September Thurston Moore Tour DatesSitting in with the Thurston Moore Band in support of the "Trees Outside The Academy" album release:
9/24 Maxwell's, Hoboken, NJ
9/26 Music Hall of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY
9/27 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 
9/28 Princeton University - Terrace Club, Princeton, NJ
9/29 Rock and Roll Hotel, Washington, DC
9/30 Johnny Brenda's, Philadelphia, PA
10/01 Pleasant St. Theater, Northampton, MA
Christina Carter will be opening for these gigs!
West coast dates in October.

Solo Shows:
8/04: Campfire Sounds, Acra, NY
8/11: The Social Registry Weekend, Brooklyn, NY
8/18: Cake Shop, New York, NY - with Religious Knives and
9/01: Silent Barn, Brooklyn, NY - with Jakob Olausson
9/02: Big Jar Books, Philadelphia, PA - with Jakob Olausson

June Solo European Dates:
Joined by Werner Nötzel and Moritz Finkbeiner
06/07: Le (nouveau) Barbizon - Paris, France w/Dean Roberts
06/09: Bad Bonn Festival - Dudingen, Switzerland
06/13: Hellbaard - The Hague, Netherlands
06/14: Inside Out - Liege, Belgium
06/16: Ferme du Biereau - Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
06/17: l'Ecurie@RTT - Brussels, Belgium (afternoon show)
          w/Family Underground
06/20: Casino Antiguo - Castellon, Spain w/Dean Roberts
06/21: Sala Castello - Barcelona, Spain w/Dean Roberts
06/22: Out.Fest2007, AMAC - Barreiro, Portugal
06/25: Für Flüssigkeiten & Schwingungen - Stuttgart,
06/27: Boom Boom Room - Dublin, Ireland
06/28: Crane Lane Theatre - Cork City, Ireland
06/29: Pine Lodge - Cork County, Ireland

Playing in the MV & EE Bummer Road band for the following dates:
January 18: Issue Project Room - Brooklyn, NY
January 31: Iron Horse - Northampton, MA
February 1: Lilypad - Cambridge, MA
February 2: Uncle Paulie's - Brooklyn, NYGo to for the full list of MV & EE tour dates.


MV & EE with The Bummer Road - European Tour
October - December, 2006:
October 27: Vooruit, Ghent
October 28: Extrapool, Nijmegen
October 29: Huishoudschool, Den Haag
October 30: VPRO (on-air radio session), Amsterdam
October 31: Paradiso, Amsterdm
November 2: Kulturhuset Underjorden, Gothenburg
November 3: Spasibar, Oslo
November 4: Stine Tranekjær's Værksted, Copenhagen
November 5: Festsaal Kreuzberg, Berlin
November 6: The Wagon, Stuttgart
November 7: GrndZero, Lyon
November 8: Cave 12, Geneva
November 9: En Marge, Paris
November 10: Hicham's Psych Palace, Pau
November 12: The Colour Out Of Space, Brighton
December 8-10: ATP - Butlins Holiday Resort, Somerset

With Christina Carter, Max Ochs and Shawn David McMillen on September 8th at P.A.'s Lounge, Somerville, Massachussetts.

With GHQ and Jakob Olausson (De Stijl Records) on September 22nd at the Lutheran Church of the Messiah, 129 Russell Street, Brooklyn, New York.

At the Free 103point9 Campfire Sounds weekend, July 15th-16th in Acra, New York.

Opening for Yo La Tengo on July 13th at Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York - 7:30 pm - free.

On tour with Tara Jane O'Neil - May, 2006
Samara will be joined on some dates by Helen Rush, Barry London and Hamish Kilgour:
05/10: Schuba's Tavern - Chicago, IL*
05/11: Beachland Tavern - Cleveland, OH
05/12: Union Pool - Brooklyn, NY**
05/13: Nave Gallery - Somerville, MA***
05/14: Local 188 - Portland, ME***
05/15: The Red Door - Portsmouth, NH
05/17: AS 220 - Providence, RI
05/18: Bennington College - Bennington, VT
05/19: The Bookmill - Montague, MA
05/20: Indie Media Center Chapel - Troy, NY
05/21: The Green Room - Montreal, QC
05/27: First Unitarian Church - Philadelphia, PA
* with Plastic Crimewave Sound
** with TK Webb
*** with Michael Hurley